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dream job <3

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not sure if i mentioned in an earlier post…but since the 23rd of august i’ve been training with my new job out in the boondocks in rocklin, california. its a journey everyday to get to work…but definitely worth it. after the trials and tribulations of finding the “right job” and settling for “ok” jobs in the meantime…i finally get what everyone was telling me all throughout that span of wondering, “when” that “right job” will come about. since my senior year of high school i had this obsession in mind that i wanted to work for well known american brand, “gap.” peers called me the “gap girl.” you’d find me in basics…crewnecks tee’s with khaki capris. jean jacket with a basic tank and cargo skirt. just very simple pieces and super plain jane. understand, i didn’t get what “accessorizing” was all about back then. lol! anyway, i was so obsessed that i did my senior final project on the company….and because of that project, i came to learn more about their headquarters office in san francisco. my goal was to one day work for them in that office…my goal was to reside close to the west coast but work for a well known fashion brand. it wasn’t till a couple months ago when i discovered there other office here nearby. i died! i applied for everything and anything open. this wasn’t one of those jobs that i just applied for it, interviewed, and got in.

since my freshmen year of college, i applied for their store position to get me a step closer to their office. never got it. everytime i saw an opening for management…i was always too late to apply. so 8 years later, after many applications turned in for sales associate positions in my early 20’s, manager positions in my mid 20’s,  product position, cs level 1 position 3 months ago at their online brands office…i finally got in last month for a position that totally fits “me”! no more managing a crew, working at a mall, or working crazy unstable hours. i currently work for their style department. styling the masses with classic american brands such as gap, banana republic, old navy, and their designer site called piperlime. handling all the online issues and styling…i couldn’t ask for anything better…than this position to start out with in hopes that i move up and up and away with this company. time to take everything i’ve learned along the way to getting here…and apply that on top of what they are training me with now…and kill it!

4th and final week of training and my feeling about it all…

blessed. thankful. dream come true. i love my job.

and there’s nothing more…than to hear from the one person that knows how much i’ve been fighting to be here…tell you, “i am HELLA proud of you!” =P

Written by mjalonzo

September 12, 2010 at 7:02 am

Posted in rants and raves.

relax and strengthen.

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i’ve been really intrigued with this whole YOGA world that i’ve decided to take a stab at it…i’m pretty excited about this.

Written by mjalonzo

August 17, 2010 at 7:01 pm

Posted in the JOURNEY!

weight update

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so i’ve been on this journey to weight loss since may…and i’ll have to confess, i started slacking off in july…and its now mid-august and i still haven’t been losing. but on the plus side, i’m not “gaining”…just maintaining. since the last time i updated…i was down to -11 lbs…

so altogether,  since may…i am now at -20lbs.  still half way towards my goal…gonna jump back on it!

Written by mjalonzo

August 16, 2010 at 6:42 pm

Posted in Uncategorized


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wow, i haven’t blogged in awhile. in the past few weeks i’ve been all over the place. hanging out with friends, interviewing for potential jobs, eliminating friends, and moving forward in my relationship. here’s a recap:

friends: moving out here to sacramento, i had no one but myself. along the way i met some really good friends. experienced the “college life” you can say, to its fullest. college, was spontaneous and exciting. it was scary and sad. it was a mess, but a beautiful one. from guys, to pulling the grades, to parties, to unforgettable memories…none of this would of been possible without “my people.” throughout college, meant working as well. i can honestly say, i’ve made the bestest friends i could have ever met through my workplaces as well. lifelong ones. however, as time goes on…we move on. whether it be to new places, new lives, and growing up from what we knew…to something new. although time changes, some people remain. what was a large sum of friends, has unfortunately dwindled down to a handful. they disappear…but will always be my “friends.” reasons such as losing touch, marriage, having kids, having time consuming jobs, and what not drift us apart. just recently it was sad to see another go. one of my ex-co workers was promoted to a new position…but was transferred to LA. although i’m happy for him, i wish he didn’t leave. some people just have so much impact on your everyday life…that you become so used to their presence, company, and frequent calls and check-in’s. you become so used to seeing them everyday…that when a certain moment comes that has to change it all…you realize, how you either didn’t take full advantage of having them here…and now.

then…there are those youv’e been friends with for YEARS. childhood days…to high school days. the time of your life when you had no idea who the hell you were…and how they’ve become a scarred memory. never leaves you, will always be there. until…they betray you…and become unloyal to the point that your saddened by their lack of staying true. its ten times more unfortunate, when they’ve been your lifetime friend for 17+ years and they stick to their words, “i don’t feel i did anything wrong.” when cleary, they did.  however, the hardest part to the situation…is deciding, “are they really…a friend? or just another person in your life now?”…”should i forgive and forget? “…”what did i ever do to them, that lead them to do this to me?” questions you thought would never have to cross your mind about this person. my mom always warned me that people change, and you can’t necessarily fully trust them. which is why…i’ve had many friends in my lifetime…but only consider a few to be my “true friends”. my forevers…my best friends. i guess i’ve been wronged many times…to the point where i was “too nice” and finally decided…”toughen up chelle!” as difficult as it is to deal with the hurt of being betrayed…its just as easy to say, “i don’t need you in my life.” why keep certain people close…when they only hold you down? hurt you? or take advantage of the friendship in general? this in a nutshell…is something i’ve been dealing with for the past months.  *sigh…

i need work: so i’ve been unemployed for months now…and one reason its been this long…is because my cars been in the shop since february. the fact that a new transmission was needed to fix the damn car…racked up to thousands of bucks. if it weren’t for my parents…i wouldn’t be picking it up this weekend. i pray and pray that God will help me out. that he’ll help me find “that job” that will take me clearly out of my parents hands…so they can feel secured that i can hold my own. however, time will only tell…and my efforts can only prove…what i can do to make things happen. so with that said…i am sooooo thankful that my car is fixed now! (semi fixed…still need to take care some other things…but for the most part…its driveable again!).  as soon as i get my car, take care of a couple of important things along with it…i’ll be hustling like a mad woman trying to land me that job. in hopes that God will lead me to the right one.

moving forward: let me clarify…that for the past “almost 5 years” of our relationship…we hardly talked about marriage. we did in the beginning…then it faded away. throughout the struggles and tribulations…we felt it was best to keep that pressure off of us…so we could grow naturally into the whole marriage deal. until one day, my parents spoke up…and pushed me. pushed me to speak up, and find out what i was going to end up doing with him…or what i was going to do without him. they we’re the voice of reason, and shared that “it’s time to talk about it….” since then, chris and i have been speaking about it freely…happily…and its become a discussion even with his parents now. just last weekend, he took me to look at rings. he confessed he had already told his mom he wants to propose to me. now…his mom and aunt are taking me to san francisco friday to look at more rings. just less than a year ago we were no where near the discussion of marriage. it just came about last april. now its july…and we’re ring shopping??? it seems like everythings falling into place with this whole “moving to the next chapter” deal. both families are involved in our hopes for marriage, and are gung-ho/supportive about it and all…but i’m trippin’. i asked chris, “does this make you nervous?” and he was so confident in his answer that he wasn’t. i’ve been looking forward to this time of my life…i’ve dreamt of it…waited for it…hoped for it…and there i was sweating bullets at the jewelry store. wth? is that normal? i guess, you can say…it’s one of those…”good things happen when you least expect.” and i’m not sure how to act. embrace it now…or till it actually happens? i mean…it’s only talk right now right? i don’t know…

…and there i go…protecting my feelings and myself again…

ugh…and i thank MY PAST…for fucking me up to be this way.

i don’t know if its a good thing that i’m not throwing myself to be super happy about all this…or not.

what do you think?

Written by mjalonzo

July 29, 2010 at 7:28 pm

Posted in rants and raves.

maybelline dream matte powder review

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if your like me…who always sets foundation with a powder, this is the way to go! for years, i’ve been faithful to MAC’s studio fix powder, blot powder, and their sheer pressed powders. not all at once though, i just switch it up depending on the season. all for over $20 bucks. they last me for a good 3-4 months or so. i hit pan on my last one, and decided that i needed to be more frugal and find a drugstore product that could be as a good or better. i KNEW there had to be at least one! i did my research and came across excellent reviews for the Maybelline Dream Matte Powder. i purchased it and LOOOOOOOVED it! its just like MAC’s blot powder and sheer pressed powder. except more than half the cost…$7 at target. i purchased it in beige. give it a shot…i promise you won’t be disappointed. won’t clog or cake!!! it gets pretty damn hot out here in sacramento…so a lil’ spray of MAC charged water or fix+ would be an awesome addition to really set your makeup.

Written by mjalonzo

June 8, 2010 at 11:45 pm

earlobe fashion

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i’m pretty much obsessed with super long feather earrings for the summer. i WANT a pair! prolly just rock one…but yea, I WANT A PAIR! ironically, this chick that makes em’ is from my hometown area.

Written by mjalonzo

June 5, 2010 at 2:45 am

Posted in fashion + makeup

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on my way…

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day 37: -11lbs!!!

so i’ve been pretty good… =P well kinda. memorial weekend was a blast. i went fishing with chris (something we’ve never done together), with one of his good friends…tony, melina, and their daughter kate. it was a lot of fun though…but no fishes caught. we had a lil’ bbq at their spot afterwards…took a shot or two, a burger, and hot cheetos. “baaaad!” i know!

the day before i hung out with a couple friends i haven’t seen in months! hit downtown for lunch. had a crispy chicken salad…HOWEVER…the plate was sooo full…i must of eaten 900 calories plus with one salad. also, had yogurt afterwards (oh gawd!). THEN, we went to some bbq…and how could i say NO to homemade ceviche and raw oysters!!! plus had to wash it down with a margarita or two. =P when i get that FULL feeling, i literally hate it. i feel guilty and gross! every now and then…special occasions are totally fine. at the same time though, i’m in no way, shape, or form…starving myself. but the workouts man…they are killer sometime, and i HATE to throw that hard work down the drain. so yup…but yes…i’m well on my way! =)

Written by mjalonzo

June 4, 2010 at 12:06 am

no shame, no gain!

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so i decided to blog my journey to a better healthier ME! =) i was kind of skeptical…cause i’m pretty conscious with my weight…but whatever!!!! i should have nothing to be ashamed of, right? so this may explain why i haven’t blogged much. i’ve been up in the gym, cooking healthy foods, as well as making time for the people i love in my life. i’ve been pretty focused (or trying to be). i started this journey on april 27th…so i’m hitting day 33 today. i’ve slipped on mainly on the frickin’ weekends due to special occasions. i need more willpower obviously…

food: i decided to do a lil’ shopping in the food department. unfortunately save mart isn’t the best place with organics/healthy alternative foods. so i had to do the best that i could to find what i could. stocked up on veggies: zucchini, green bell peppers, mushroom, carrots, onions, and parsley. fruits: grapefruits, bananas, tangerines, apples. other: pita chips, hummus, yogurt, kashi go lean cereal, whole grain tortilla wraps (for chicken caesar wraps! yum!), low cal caesar dressing. drinks: chai tea, green tea. lots of things to go with what i got in the house already….so i think i’m good for week. my goal is to not eat out either! this was just a bit under $50 bucks! not bad i guess…i think i could’ve done better at safeway lol! OH…and i got lite TOFU! whaaaaaaat? haha…iono what i’m gonna do with it though. i’ve been searching recipes online…

so a lot of what i bought were healthy…and for the non fruits and veggies…everything else was low calorie. although i had to pick up several types of each to find the lowest calories i could find on a particular item…i felt like i won big doing so. cause its food i can enjoy…servings are just enough…and keeps the calories at a minimum.

excercise: today…i just did my usual at home exercises. i didn’t go to the gym yesterday or today. I KNOW….BAD! =( i only went 3 times this week. i’m definitely gonna step it up starting tomorrow! the fact that i only go 3 times a week…the days i don’t go…i feel guilty. when i don’t go…i know i can…but i’m lazy. so with that said…the past 4-5 weeks…i know i could’ve pushed myself harder…to go at least 5-6 days a week. time to step out of that mindset and just GO!

observation: i realized, during the day…since i’m not too busy…or busy AT ALL, i crave for food out of boredom. or because, i don’t have a fulfilling breakfast (don’t eat breakfast). goal this week: EAT BREAKFAST!

day 33: -8lbs

any motivation would be greatly appreciated! excercise tips, recipes, anything! if you’ve been through this journey…or are currently on it…let’s get it done together! =)

Written by mjalonzo

May 30, 2010 at 5:33 am

congrats mauricio and mike!!!

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so i’ve been neglecting my blog lately…blah whatever.

so i’m proud to say that two of my closest college buddies graduated college. mauricio with a masters, and mike with his bachelors. it was a loooong weekend last week, and i gotta say…my body was not ready for it. i slept a total of 4 hours…and was non-stop on the go saturday (ceremony, brunch, party). by the time 8pm came…and we had to prepare for mikes arrival (it was a surprise party)…i was exhausted! oh and drinking, i kept at a minimum. thank god i did too! pat, was the designated driver…and let’s just say…it was a long smelly ride home. lol! the following day chris and i decided to throw a small bbq with his fam and some of our friends. it was a success and a lot of fun. ate a lil’ tooooo much. =P didn’t take any pics from the bbq…but should of…oh well.

Written by mjalonzo

May 27, 2010 at 4:32 am

Posted in F-U-N!, Uncategorized

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the hunt for cute affordable dresses!

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so i got lucky this weekend…normally, it’s so hard for me to find cute dresses that fit me well. the fact that i’m “gifted” in the chest area haha…its REALLY difficult to find something that fits perfectly on my body…and fits well in the chest. in other words, they don’t fall out, aren’t exposed too much. normally, tube top dresses don’t go well with me…cause where it cinches around the waist will be too high…which leads the top portion to not cover as much as i would like it too.

i stepped into roseville’s forever 21 and scored on these two dresses…red one was 23.90? and the boho dress was 14.90!!! *pat on the back*

Written by mjalonzo

May 19, 2010 at 8:08 pm